Tekahnawiiaks a.k.a. Joyce M. King
Akwesasne Mohawk Territory
P.O. Box 324, Akwesasne NY 13655
P.O. Box 126, Akwesasne PQ H0M 1A0

Email: mail@tekahnawiiaks.com

Website: www.Tekahnawiiaks.com


Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (Currently)
Policy Analyst: Research, draft, and develop position papers to expand jurisdiction and authority of the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne. Organize and coordinate meetings in preparation of negotiations. Meet with federal and provincial officials. Prepare work plans and budgets for funding. Promote and communicate the Nation Building process for community input.

Akwesasne Mohawk Court (1999-2008)
Section 107 Justice of the Peace (Order in Council P.C.): In a court held in Akwesasne and Kahnawake, adjudicated proceedings brought under the Indian Act and community laws such as trials, sentencing, and probation orders. Issued search warrants, bench warrants, peace bonds, and mediation services. Provided testimony to the Royal Commission on Aboriginal People. Currently on-leave from the Akwesasne Mohawk Court.

Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force www.hetf.org (HETF) (2001-2008)
Director (2003-2008): Served as Acting Director for two years before being appointed Director. Provided management, direction and administration of HETF activities, including quarterly organizational meetings with representatives from all Haudenosaunee Confederacy territories, annual and bi-annual Environmental Protection Agency Indian Nation Leadership Conferences, Environmental Youth Conference, and a strategic planning conference with Haudenosaunee leadership. Handled proposal writing, financial reporting, and participated as a speaker at various conferences. Coordinated a Haudenosaunee Environmental Protection Process using cultural protocols. Participated in the World Council of Religious Organizations with Oren Lyons (HETF co-chair) and a delegation of Haudenosaunee people in Tokyo, Japan using Haudenosaunee passports.

Cultural Researcher (2001-2003)
Organized cultural conferences for the purpose of designing and developing an environmental protection model using Haudenosaunee knowledge. Consolidated and computerized the HETF financial records in preparation for an audit.

Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs www.mohawknation.org (1996-2001)
Administrator: Provided administration to the Mohawk Nation Office for the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs according to cultural protocols. Managed the Akwesasne Notes Bookstore and the Tourist Information Center. Computerized the manual bookkeeping system. Lectured at various groups on the history and culture of the Mohawk people and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Represented the Mohawk Nation at the United Nations Conference on World Religious Leaders. Worked closely with the Akwesasne Freedom School, a Mohawk immersion school.

Indian Time Newspaper (1999-2001)
Managing Editor: Managed and administered a weekly newspaper for Akwesasne. Reported on Haudenosaunee issues and events at Akwesasne as well as the surrounding Mohawk communities, and provided photography. Implemented strict fiscal control and innovative revenue-generating strategies to reduce the huge deficit incurred by the paper prior to 1999 (during which time the newspaper was closed for 8 months).

Ahkwesahsne Science and Mathematics Pilot Project (ASMPP) (1990-1993)
Assistant Coordinator: Under the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education, assisted with the ASMPPs goals and objectives to incorporate Haudenosaunee traditional knowledge with Western Science and Mathematics under Ontario curriculum guidelines. Functions included cultural research, maintaining a bibliography of resources, budgeting, proposal writing, and report writing.

Other Positions:





Special Projects